35 Days Ayurveda Lifestyle Training Course

Become an Ayurvedic Practitioner: Unlock the Ancient Healing Secrets, Empower Others, and Embark on a Journey of Transformation!

35 Day Ayurveda
Lifestyle Training Course

At AyurSadhna, we extend a warm invitation to all seekers who yearn to embark on a life-changing 35-day non-residential course which will take you into the profound depths of Ayurveda, Yoga, Nutrition, and Herbology. Guided by the esteemed Ayurvedacharya Dr. Harsh Agarwal, our meticulously crafted course is designed to illuminate the ancient wisdom of holistic healing, empowering you to cultivate a state of profound well-being that permeates every aspect of your existence.

Course Overview

This 35-day course is meticulously structured into five comprehensive modules, each designed to unveil the intricate layers of Ayurvedic principles, lifestyle, spiritual sciences, nutrition, and herbology. Through this transformative journey, you will embark on a profound exploration of the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit, cultivating a state of profound harmony, vitality, and inner peace that radiates from within. As you delve into the wisdom of Ayurveda, you will uncover the secrets of balancing the body’s energy systems, or Doshas, and learn how to make informed choices about your diet, lifestyle, and self-care practices to achieve optimal health and well-being. Through the gentle yet powerful practice of Yoga, you will cultivate a deep connection to your body’s inherent wisdom, enhancing flexibility, strength, and overall well-being. Explore the realm of Ayurvedic Nutrition, where food becomes medicine, and discover how to nourish your body with wholesome, dosha-specific meals that nurture your physical and emotional health. Delve into the fascinating world of Herbology, where you will learn to identify, harvest, and prepare medicinal plants for use in various Ayurvedic remedies, unlocking a treasure trove of natural healing.

Who this is for?

This course is for individuals ready to embrace self-empowerment, compassion, and a profound yearning for personal transformation. If you are committed to shedding old patterns, embracing challenges, and aspire to become an Ayurveda practitioner/consultant, this course is tailored for you.

Why AyurSadhna?

AyurSadhna offers authentic Ayurvedic teachings in the spiritual haven of Rishikesh. Our courses are led by Ayurvedacharya Dr. Harsh Agarwal, a renowned expert with over 10 years of experience in Ayurveda, Yoga Consultation, and Spiritual Healing.

Course Highlights

Topics Covered

  • Connection of Vedas & Ayurveda
  • Definition of Ayurveda
  • 5 Elemental Theory
  • Tridoshas
  • How to use Ayurveda in Contemporary world
  • Exploring Spiritual Health
  • Prakriti – A unique concept of Ayurveda
  • Knowing Yourself & Your Energy
  • Healthy Identity & Natural Personality
  • Basic Pulse Diagnosis & Healing
  • Lifestyle According to Doshas
  • Yoga According to Doshas
  • Pranayama According to Doshas
  • Meditation According to Doshas
  • Day To Day Living According to Doshas
  • Ayurvedic & Yogic Physiology & Philosophy
  • Understanding Kundalini
  • Understanding Chakras & Nadis
  • Understanding Marmas
  • Recipies as per doshas
  • Understanding quality of food as per doshas
  • Shadhrasa – 6 Taste Test for Nutrition
  • 20 Ayurvedic attributes in terms of nutrition
  • Kitchen as a pharmacy
  • Detailed overview of 20 herbs
  • Shadkriya Kal – 6 Stages of a disease
  • Home Remedies for common ailments

Daily Schedule

7:00 AM – 8:30 AM

Pranayama & Yoga

12:00 PM – 2:30 PM

Ayurveda Classes

5:00 PM – 6:00 PM

Meditation & Philosophy


Course Calendar

15th January – 18th February

Meet Your Instructors

Dr. Harsh Agarwal

Ayurvedacharya Dr. Harsh Agarwal, a globally recognized figure in Ayurveda, Yoga Consultation, and Spiritual Healing, brings a wealth of credentials and achievements to his distinguished career. Holding a Graduate Degree in Ayurveda Medicine and Surgery (B.A.M.S.) from Gurukul Ayurveda College, affiliated with Kanpur University, Dr. Harsh possesses over a decade of expertise specializing in chronic disorders and their Ayurvedic treatment. Pioneering the Rishikesh Medical community, he has positively impacted the lives of more than 20,000 patients from India and abroad. Certified as a Yoga Teacher with over 1,750 hours of specialized training from the renowned Isha Foundation, Dr. Harsh is also adept in pulse diagnosis and aromatherapy, holding a certificate from Maharishi European Research University (MERU). Beyond his clinical practice, Dr. Harsh actively participates in medico-social initiatives, contributing to social welfare camps, International Ayurvedic Exhibitions, health fairs, seminars, and disaster management efforts. In 2012, he founded Vardan Ayurveda Nilayam (VAN), a highly esteemed Ayurveda and Panchakarma Center in Rishikesh, offering consultations, courses, Panchakarma treatments, herbal medicines, and spiritual healing. Driven by a continual quest for knowledge, he has journeyed to the Himalayan region, learning Mantrosparsh, Meditation, and Yoga Sadhanas from esteemed saints. Dr. Harsh Agarwal’s commitment to his patients is underscored by his belief in the power of empathy as a key element in their healing journey.

Sudhanshu RK

For all the non-residential courses, Sudhanshu is also the host and course coordinator. He is the Co-founder and Creative Director of AyurSadhna, responsible for handling and managing various projects. Sudhanshu is a firm believer and passionate about yoga, meditation, Ayurveda, and artistic endeavors. Read More

After working for many years as a Creative Art professional in the advertising industry, he understood that in today’s world of consumerism, there is a need to understand what we are consuming. As an advertising professional, he felt responsible for what he was encouraging people to consume. With many questions and ideas, he left to pursue his own passions, which he found while working alongside the team at AyurSadhna. Sudhanshu is an inspired creative who loves bringing new ideas and perspectives to the table. He has also experienced many benefits of Ayurveda in his own life since his first meeting with Dr. Harsh Agarwal.

For him, AyurSadhna is a mission where he feels that we have come to a point where we should look back and understand the roots of our authentic knowledge, making it a part of our lives. His main motive is to promote authentic knowledge of Yoga and Ayurveda worldwide. To achieve this, he puts his conscious mind and creative thinking into different projects at AyurSadhna.


Situated in the serene foothills of the majestic Himalayas, AyurSadhna stands out as an Ayurveda center, offering a tranquil sanctuary for those in pursuit of a holistic healing experience. All our Non-Residential courses are organised in Upper Tapovan, away from the crowded and noisy streets of Rishikesh. The classes are held outdoors, amidst nature, herb garden and offers a panoramic view of the nearby hills and valleys. 

At AyurSadhna, we are steadfast in our belief that a holistic healing experience should nourish both the body and soul. With great care, we have cultivated a welcoming and supportive environment, inviting you to witness the AyurSadhna difference for yourself.


While this is a non-residential course, given enough notice, we can help you find your perfect home away from home here in Rishikesh.

Terms & Conditions

To maintain the energy of this transformative course, students are required to refrain from intoxicants and tamasic foods throughout the 35 days. Commitment to inward reflection and the application of knowledge and practices is key to maximizing the benefits.


Find Out What's Included


– Free entry to fire ceremonies and worship sessions, (if held during the course)
– Theory and practical sessions with experienced Ayurvedic and Yoga doctors/instructors
– Outdoor activity to nearby holy place

Additional Activities

Available at Additional Cost

Additional Activities

– Ayurveda consultation
– Ayurvedic treatments such as massage, Shirodhara, etc. (please refer to the treatment section)
– Ayurvedic Panchakarma detoxification therapy

7:00 AM – 8:30 AM

Yoga Class

8:30 AM – 10:00 AM

Head for breakfast

10:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Rest/Self Study/Reflect

12:00 PM – 1:30 PM

Ayurveda Class

1:30 PM – 2:00 PM

Rest/Self Study/Reflect

2:00 PM – 3:30 PM

Lunch Break

3:30 PM – 5:00 PM

Rest/Self Study/Reflect

5:00 PM – 6:00 PM

Pranayama & Meditation

6:00 PM – 7:00 PM

Ayurveda Class

7:00 PM – 7:30 PM

Rest/Self Study/Reflect

7:30 PM – 8:30 PM


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