Understanding Blood Pressure

 Blood pressure

When your heart beats, it siphons blood around your body to give it the oxygen and energy it needs. As the blood circulates, it pushes against the sides of the veins. This feature of pushing is known to be your blood pressure.

A surprising increment in the power of blood pushing against the dividers of the veins is known as high blood pressure. The pressure is called strange when it is higher than the ordinary blood pressure ought to be. High blood pressure can cause heart attacks, blood vessel sicknesses, coronary infections and it can make harm brain works also. 

Symptoms of high blood pressure

  • nausea
  • a headache
  • dizziness
  • vomiting
  • nosebleeds
  • blurred or double vision
  • breathlessness
  • heart palpitations

A blood pressure perusing lower than 60 mm Hg for the base number (diastolic) or 90 millimetres of mercury (mm Hg) for the highest number (systolic) is commonly viewed as low blood pressure.

The reasons for low blood pressure can extend from lack of hydration to genuine therapeutic or careful issue. It’s critical to discover what’s causing your low circulatory strain so it very well may be dealt with.

Symptoms of hypotension or low blood pressure can include:

  • Dizziness
  • Fainting (syncope)
  • Chest pain
  • A feeling of lightheadedness
  • Increased thirst
  • Blurred vision
  • Nausea


Blood pressure is an estimation of the weight in your corridors during the dynamic and resting periods of every heartbeat.

  • Systolic pressure The great number in a blood pressure perusing is the measure of weight your heart produces when siphoning blood through your conduits to the remainder of your body.
  • Diastolic pressure The base number in a pulse reading alludes to the measure of weight in your supply routes when your heart is very still between pulsates.

Conditions that can cause low blood pressure

  • Heart problems Some heart conditions that can prompt low circulatory strain to incorporate extremely low pulse (bradycardia), heart valve issues, coronary episode and cardiovascular breakdown.
  • Since the circulatory framework grows quickly during pregnancy, blood pressure is probably going to drop.
  • At the point when your body loses more water than it takes in, it can cause fatigue, weakness and dizziness.
  • Endocrine problems Thyroid conditions, for example, parathyroid sickness, adrenal inadequacy, low blood sugar and, at times, diabetes can trigger low blood pressure.
  • Severe infection (septicemia) At the point when contamination in the body enters the circulatory system, it can prompt a dangerous drop in pulse called septic stun.
  • Blood loss Losing a ton of blood, for example, from significant damage or inner dying, lessens the measure of blood in your body, prompting an extreme drop in circulatory strain.
  • Lack of nutrients in your diet An absence of the nutrients B-12 and folate can shield your body from delivering enough red platelets (sickliness), causing low pulse. 

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