Marma Yoga Workshop

Energize Body and Mind

Join us on a 2-day spiritual journey, where we unravel the mysteries of Marma points – the vital energy intersections within our body that profoundly influence our holistic health.

What exactly are Marma Points? These are unique energy hubs dispersed throughout the body, rooted in the time-honored teachings of Ayurveda and Yoga. Ancient scriptures cite 107 such points that, when activated, amplify the flow of Prana (the vital life force), bestowing comprehensive benefits to our physical, mental, and spiritual facets. For ages, these points have been tapped into as a therapeutic modality to instill balance and harmony in our existence.

The Marma Yoga Experience: We invite you to a transformative 2-day workshop, meticulously crafted by Dr. Harsh Agarwal, a distinguished authority in the fields of Ayurveda and Yoga. Boasting over two decades of expertise, Dr. Harsh offers you a chance to delve deep into the essence of pivotal Marma points via yogic techniques. This workshop is designed to rejuvenate your energy, rekindle your life force, and promote all-encompassing well-being.

Who Can Participate

This workshop welcomes individuals seeking to expand their understanding and practical application of holistic health principles for both prevention and promotion of well-being. It is designed for:

  • Health Industry Professionals: Those in the health sector desiring to integrate a holistic approach to enhance patient benefits.
  • Wellness Practitioners: Healers, therapists, dietitians, beauticians, and spiritual teachers.
  • Yoga Enthusiasts: Yoga teachers and practitioners seeking to deepen their knowledge.
  • Holistic Practitioners: Shamans, hypnotists, chiropractors, energy healers, and more.
  • Spa and Hospitality Owners: Hoteliers, spa operators, and wellness industry experts.


The best part about this workshop


• Boosted Energy Flow: By stimulating Marma points, you enhance the flow of Prana, leading to increased vitality and energy.
• Holistic Healing: Marma therapy can contribute to healing on physical, mental, and emotional levels.
• Enhanced Mind-Body Connection: Gain deeper insights into the connection between Marma points and the body's systems.
• Practical Daily Exercises: Acquire practical tools for daily practice through short yogic routines aimed at stimulating Marma points.
• Expert Guidance: Learn from Dr. Harsh Agarwal's wealth of experience in Ayurveda, Yoga, and Himalayan wisdom.

Why Choose Us


• Holistic Approach: Our workshop focuses on overall well-being, bridging ancient traditions with modern lifestyle.
• Expert Guidance: Dr. Harsh Agarwal brings extensive knowledge and experience to guide your transformative journey.
• Flexible Timings: Tailored schedules for your convenience.
• Certification: Receive a certificate upon successful completion of the workshop.
• Community: Join a family of like-minded individuals dedicated to holistic growth.
• Charity Initiatives: Your participation contributes to underprivileged individuals and charitable causes.

Daily Schedule

Day 1: Awakening the Vital Points

Session 1: Introduction to Marma Yoga (Morning)

  • Welcome and Workshop Overview
  • Understanding Marma: Energy Points for Well-being
  • The Science of Prana: Enhancing Life Force


Session 2: Marma and Asanas (Afternoon)

  • Exploring Marma Points and Their Correlation with Organs
  • Asanas to Stimulate Specific Marma Points
  • Practical Session: Energizing Body and Mind


Session 3: The Healing Power of Marma (Evening)

  • Marma as Therapy: Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit
  • Exploring Marma’s Role in Health and Wellness
  • Practical Exercises for Daily Marma Practice


Day 2: Deepening the Marma Connection

Session 4: Yogic Practice for Marma (Morning)

  • Guided Yoga Practice to Stimulate Vital Marma Points
  • Enhancing Energy Flow and Inner Balance
  • Reflecting on Yogic Marma Practices


Session 5: Marma and Disease Healing (Afternoon)

  • Marma Points and Their Impact on Specific Ailments
  • Integrating Marma Practices for Holistic Healing
  • Group Discussion and Sharing


Session 6: Harnessing Marma Energies (Evening)

  • Practical Application of Marma Therapy
  • Personal Experiences and Transformations
  • Closing Reflections and Insights

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